The LEAPS team has pursued transformational research for over 20 years with the aim of addressing market frictions to improving student learning. Our team's research has shown how lifting informational, labor market, financial, and service failures in Pakistan can reverse the education productivity decline. LEAPS data has also been used by a wide network of researchers to study subjects ranging from girls’ education to the impact of teacher characteristics on learning. The result is over 40 unique studies and more than 30 publications and working papers. We break our research down into 11 categories ranging from schools to the labor market to policy and practice.
Explore our Research by Category
Or visit our publications page for a complete list of papers and working papers
Mapping the Ecosystem
How do the multiple actors in the education system interact and what are the frictions that prevent better outcomes?
The importance of teachers and how to recruit, reward and retain them.
Most children now live in villages with multiple public and private schools to choose from. How do they navigate these complex landscapes, and how do schools, in turn, respond to parental demand?
Families make many educational choices for children. How do household characteristics affect school choice and other educational investments?
Targeted Instruction
Targeted instruction tailors teaching to a student’s current learning level but is often prohibitively expensive in low-income countries like Pakistan.
EdTech and Innovation
We use EdTech specifically developed for low-digital literacy settings to overcome the challenge of low technology take-up in under-resourced settings.
Test Scores and Learning Trajectories
What do test scores measure, how do they evolve over time and do test scores predict future outcomes?
Labor Market and Life Outcomes
How does schooling affect life outcomes among young adults? The first results from the 15 year follow-up of 5000+ children in the LEAPS data.
Information and Accountability
Our groundbreaking report cards study has proven to be one of the most cost-effective and impactful interventions according to the "Smart Buys" report.
Education Financing
Does more money make a school better? Read more about our three experiments that study the impact of grants and loans on school and student outcomes.
Policy and Practice
Translating research findings into impactful policy change is difficult. Learn how the LEAPS team works with local governments in Pakistan to do just that.