The LEAPS portfolio includes more than 30 publications and working papers in economics and education journals. Many papers include one or more of the lead PIs, Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das, or Asim Khwaja; others were written independently by other researchers using LEAPS data. Most studies also have a dedicated study page found here including study data and replication files where accessible.
Working Papers
Danon, Alice, Jishnu Das, Andreas de Barros, and Deon Filmer. 2023. “Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Skills in Low-Income Countries: Construct and Predictive Validity“. RISE Working Paper Series. 23/126.
Andrabi, Tahir, Natalie Bau, Jishnu Das, and Asim I. Khwaja. 2023. “Crowding in Private Quality: The Equilibrium Effects of Public Spending in Education.” RISE Working Paper Series. 23/124.
Brown, Christina and Tahir Andrabi. 2023. "Inducing Positive Sorting through Performance Pay: Experimental Evidence from Pakistani Schools." RISE Working Paper Series. 23/123.
Andrabi, Tahir, and Christina Brown. 2022. "Subjective versus Objective Incentives and Teacher Productivity." RISE Working Paper Series. 22/092.
Brown, Christina. 2022. “Understanding Gender Discrimination by Managers”, Working Paper.
Michaud-Leclerc, Catherine. “Private School Entry, Sorting, and the Performance of Public Schools: Evidence from Pakistan”. Working Paper.
Publications by Our Team
Andrabi, Tahir, Natalie Bau, Jishnu Das, and Asim I. Khwaja. 2022. "Heterogeneity in School Value-Added and the Private Premium". National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper 30627.
Carneiro, Pedro, Jishnu Das, and Hugo Reis. 2022. “The Value of Private Schools: Evidence from Pakistan”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-45.
Bau, Natalie. 2022. “Estimating an equilibrium model of horizontal competition in education”, Journal of Political Economy. 130 (7).
Das, Jishnu, Abhijeet Singh, and Andres Yi Chang. 2022. "Test Scores and Educational Opportunities: Panel Evidence from Five Low- and Middle-Income Countries". Journal of Public Economics, 206: 1-9.
Andrabi, Tahir, Benjamin Daniels, and Jishnu Das. 2021. "Human Capital Accumulation and Disasters: Evidence from the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005." Journal of Human Resources 57 (2), published online before print.
Bau, Natalie, Jishnu Das, and Andres Yi Chang. 2021. "New Evidence on Learning Trajectories in a Low-Income Setting". International Journal of Education Development, 84: 1-26.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, Asim I. Khwaja, Selcuk Ozyurt, and Niharika Singh. 2020. "Upping the Ante: The Equilibrium Effects of Unconditional Grants to Private Schools." American Economic Review, 110 (10): 3315-49.
Bau, Natalie, and Jishnu Das. 2020. "Teacher Value Added in a Low-Income Country." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 12 (1): 62-96.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, and Asim I. Khwaja. 2017. "Report Cards: The Impact of Providing School and Child Test Scores on Education Markets." American Economic Review, 107 (6): 1535-63.
Andrabi, Tahir and Isabel Macdonald. 2017. “Pakistan Systems Diagnosis“. Harvard University.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, and Asim I. Khwaja. 2015. “Delivering Education: A Pragmatic Framework for Improving Education in Low-Income Countries.” Handbook Of International Development and Education, edited by Pauline Dixon, Steve Humble, and Chris Counihan: Edward Elgar Publishing: 85-130.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, and Asim I. Khwaja. 2013. “Students Today, Teachers Tomorrow: Identifying Constraints on the Provision of Education.” Journal of Public Economics, 100: 1-14.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, and Asim I. Khwaja 2012. "Madrasa Statistics Don’t Support the Myth". Under the Drones, edited by Shahzad Bashir and Robert D. Crews, Cambridge, MA and London, England: Harvard University Press: 162-173.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, and Asim I. Khwaja. 2011 "What Did You Do All Day? Maternal Education and Child Outcomes." The Journal of Human Resources, 47 (4): 873-912.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, Asim I. Khwaja, and Tristan Zajonc. 2011 "Do Value-Added Estimates Add Value? Accounting for Learning Dynamics." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 3 (3): 29-54.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, and Asim I. Khwaja. 2008. “A Dime a Day: The Possibilities and Limits of Private Schooling in Pakistan.” Comparative Education Review, 52 (3): 329-355.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, Asim I. Khwaja, Tara Vishwanathan, and Tristan Zajonc. 2007. “Learning and Educational Achievements in Punjab Schools (LEAPS): Insights to Inform the Education Policy Debate.” Harvard University.
Andrabi, Tahir, Jishnu Das, Asim I. Khwaja, and Tristan Zajonc. 2006. “Religious School Enrollment in Pakistan: A Look at the Data.” Comparative Education Review, 50 (3): 446-477.
Publications by Others
Tahir, Bisma and Elvis Wu. 2022. “The Relationship Between Teachers’ Time Allocation and Student Scores in Rural, Low-Income Schools in Punjab, Pakistan“. Stanford Digital Repository. Available at https://purl.stanford.edu/ks142rx4921.
Reis, Hugo. 2020. “Girls’ Schooling Choices and Home Production: Evidence from Pakistan”. International Economic Review, 61: 783-819
Karachiwalla, Naureen. 2019. “A Teacher Unlike Me: Social Distance, Learning, and Intergenerational Mobility in Developing Countries”. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 67 (2): 225-271
Qureshi, Javaeria A. 2018. “Additional Returns to Investing in Girls' Education: Impact on Younger Sibling Human Capital”. The Economic Journal, 128: 3285-3319.