Read, watch, or listen to the latest news about LEAPS research. Our staff and collaborating researchers frequently write articles or give presentations that are available for reading and viewing. We make an effort to make our rigorous research studies easily digestible in order to help disseminate research results and encourage discussion and policy take-up of our findings. Our work is widely published, from articles in the Economist, to CNN, to leading Pakistani news outlets such as DAWN.
Should We Change the Way we Teach “Development” Economics?
June 30, 2024
Jishnu Das outlines five reasons why the answer is “Yes.”
Did Development Economics Lose its Moral Compass?
April 25, 2024
Jishnu Das argues development economics has always been at its best when fighting for social justice and intellectual rigor.
A Recognition of LEAPS by Pomona College
April 8, 2024
Grant funding supports economics professor Tahir Andrabi’s work to improve schools in Pakistan—and worldwide
Higher Education in LMICs
March 3, 2024
Jishnu Das asks: If you go to college in a low- or middle-income country (LMIC), how does it help you, and what do you get from it?
Education Markets and Systems in LMICs
March 1, 2024
What is the fairest and most efficient way to improve not just access to education, but outcomes too? Asim Khwaja and Emiliana Vegas discuss.
The Great College Conundrum: A Coming of Rage Story?
February 18, 2024
A story of college-going is emerging from the research in low- and middle-income countries.
CID Development Perspectives: Education Markets and Systems
November 4, 2023
Emiliana Vegas and Asim Khwaja highlight the importance on focusing on the process and frugal innovation rather than products and one-size fits all reforms.
No School Stands Alone
June 6, 2023
Jishnu Das explains how market dynamics affect the performance of public and private schools.
The Education Spending Multiplier: Evidence from Schools in Pakistan
April 3, 2023
Grants given to public schools in Pakistan increase test scores in both public and private schools as a result of increased competition.
Opinion: E-learning can prevent another lost generation in Afghanistan
January 10, 2023
Afghanistan is now the only country in the world that bans girls from going to school. E-learning could help overcome this unfolding tragedy.
The RISE Podcast: Jishnu Das on School Choice, School Quality, and 'Zombie Schools' in Pakistan
December 1, 2022
Jishnu Das discusses the RISE Pakistan team's ambitious research into investigating how the education system can change to ensure all children learn.
Opinions, Behaviours, and Frustrations: Lessons on Teacher Technology Use in Pakistan
September 26, 2022
Technology uptake is not trivial, contrary to what some in policy circles may believe.
High Scoring but Poor: The misallocation of talent in higher education
September 8, 2022
College attendance remains low for children from poor socioeconomic backgrounds even as labour market returns to college education have increased.
How Do We Recover From the Worst Floods in Pakistan's History?
September 4, 2022
Tahir Andrabi unpacks the stages of disaster recovery that Pakistan will go through based on his experience with the 2005 earthquake.
Disaster Recovery - Who Gets Left Behind?
August 11, 2022
Major disasters are frequently followed by compensation or aid, but little is known about recovery from such large, but compensated, shocks.
Education Markets Lecture 2: LEAPS Interventions
February 18, 2022
Asim I. Khwaja gives the second lecture in the IGC BREAD course giving examples in system-level interventions.
Education Markets Lecture 1: Systems Thinking
February 17, 2022
Jishnu Das gives the first of two lectures on Education Markets as part of the IGC BREAD Virtual PhD Course.
COVID-19 and Low-Cost Private Schools
Nov 24, 2021
LEAPS Director Zainab Qureshi summarizes the unique impact of COVID on private schools.
Do children really learn in schools in Pakistan?
July 16, 2021
A narrative that suggests children drop out of school because they are not learning is not supported by the data.
Learning Trajectories Through Primary School
June 8. 2021
Our new paper uses the LEAPS dataset to explore the drivers of low levels of education in low-income countries such as Pakistan.
A Brief Summary of LEAPS Research
April 24, 2021
LEAPS research helps to bust the myth that Pakistan's private schools are only accessible to the wealthy elite.
A Market Based Approach to Education
March 30, 2021
PI Jishnu Das presents evidence from our two decades of work on education in Pakistan and explain our unique approach to research.
Covid-19 and Private Education in Pakistan
March 1, 2021
LEAPS Director Zainab Qureshi discusses the consequences of COVID-19 on low-cost private schools in Pakistan.
Holding Up Half the Sky
February 19, 2021
Dr. Razzaque warns against undermining the private school market at a time when it’s already suffering due to COVID-19.
Can Performance Pay Help Schools with Teacher Quality?
February 8, 2021
Performance pay contracts attract teachers who improve both test score and non-test score outcomes for students.
Eliminating Private School Competition
January 31, 2021
Newly mandated national curriculum textbooks have upended private schooling, delaying the start of the Pakistani school year.
A Colossal Learning Setback
December 16, 2020
Student learning levels have been set back by months due to the pandemic. The most marginalized children are most affected.
Educational Responses to COVID-19 in South Asia
June 9, 2020
COVID-19 has shut down traditional education programs throughout South Asia. This panel discusses the unique challenges the region is facing.
What Exactly, do Economists Do?
May 19, 2020
The kings and queens of the data modelling profession are now empirical economists, but what does that mean?
Covid-19 & the Looming Education Crisis
May 15, 2020
Prolonged school closures without innovative alternatives will hurt the vulnerable, exacerbating existing inequalities.
The Education Project at CERP: Overview
Feb 26, 2020
Learn about the education landscape in Pakistan and the evolution of the growing LEAPS education portfolio at CERP.
Helping Schools Help Themselves
December 6, 2019
CID Speaker Series podcast features Zainab Qureshi, LEAPS Director, to discuss student learning outcomes in Pakistan.
Why Past Reforms have had No Effect
May 8, 2019
When so many reforms are developed independently, they are prone to contradict each other and can fail to improve learning.
School Report Cards Help Parents Choose
September 22, 2017
Our paper on report cards shows that giving parents information about how their child’s school compares to others in the area improves education quality.
Teachers in Pakistan: Pay and Effectiveness
August 9, 2017
Teachers determine the quality of student learning; however, teacher effectiveness is difficult to predict and does not necessarily correlate to wages.
Education and Extremism
January 29, 2016
Education is increasingly becoming an extremist battleground in Pakistan, which does not bode well for the country’s future.
Learning Unleashed
August 1, 2015
Where governments are failing to provide students with a decent education, the low-cost schools are stepping in.
The Promise of Pakistan’s Private Schools
December 11, 2014
Through market-driven schools, young Pakistani women are gaining access to both education and employment opportunities.
Madrasa Myths and Maths
May 19, 2005
The concerns about the boom in religious schooling in Pakistan are overstated - proportionally, enrolment in Madrasas is actually decreasing.